Call for papers: “Behavior Analysis and Health”
The Journal Psychology and Health is an electronic journal published every four months that aims to disseminate and to promote scientific knowledge through the dialogue between Psychology and other disciplines of Health (e.g., Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Social Services etc.), connecting their scientific debates. Its goal is to disseminate, free, local and international contributions from research and theoretical considerations for the development of Psychology as a discipline and a professional practice of reference in the field of Health and Culture. The Journal Psychology and Health is published by the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. It is currently indexed to the LATINDEX and PePSIC, and in the submission process to RedALyC.
The special issue “Behavior Analysis and Health” aims to publish original papers that advances the comprehension of the relations between behavior and health in a behavior-analytic perspective. It is open to contributions from theoretical, basic and applied studies which addresses relevant issues for professional practices in the field of Health. We specially encourage submissions of papers discussing interdisciplinary practices between psychologists and other health professionals, highlighting possible contributions from Behavior Analysis as a science to the field of Health. Submissions will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Deadline: 30th July 2017
Instructions for authors: