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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the patterns and requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, on the section About the Journal.
  • The contribution is original and unheard of, and is not being evaluated for publishing by other journal.
  • The file of the submission is in Microsoft Word (.DOC) format.
  • URLs for the references were informed, when possible.
  • The text is in APA format, 7th edition.
  • In case of submission to a section with evaluation by pairs, the available instructions in Appreciation by the Editorial Board were read and followed.
  • The work fits in one of the Types of Contribution published by Journal Psychology and Health.
  • The authorship and institutional data were omitted from the original submitted.

  • The author has the intellectual property of images, that are in good quality (at least 300 dpi) and available to be send as a supplementary document in submission, in JPG, WMF, TIFF or EPS formats.
  • The author has forwarded the Approval by the Ethics Committee in Research- National Council of Health, in case this was necessary, along with the manuscript.
  • All the authors of the article are registered on the Journal’s portal and have filled out all the fields (first name, middle name, last name, institution of affiliation, e-mail and biography abstract).
  • The references must present only authors quoted on the text.

Author Guidelines

At least one of the authors of the manuscript must have the title of Doctorate. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal Psicologia e Saúde must conform to the publication standards of the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Some short guides are available online and can help the authors, such as this one from USP, this one from the APA itself or this, from ICSTE-IUL (Portugal).

The files should be submitted in MS-Word (.DOC) through the journal's website. Submissions are accepted in Portuguese-Brazilian, Portuguese-Portugal, Spanish, French and English.

All types of contributions, except for Book Reviews, should contain title, keywords, and abstract in three languages. One necessarily in the original language, another in Portuguese-Brazilian and the third in English. If the submission language is Portuguese-Brazilian, the second abstract will be in English and the third, Spanish or French.

The abstracts, in all languages, should contain between 100 and 150 words. Each manuscript must contain between 3 and 5 keywords with their respective translations for the selected languages. It is recommended to use the Terminology in Psychology of the Virtual Health Library for the definition of the keywords.

Authors must inform, if applicable, on the cover page, its funding sources. 

Only manuscripts that conform to these requirements and that fit into one of the Contribution Types of the Psicologia e Saúde will be evaluated.

In addition, the Declaration of Responsibility and the Declaration of Transference of Rights must be submitted as Supplementary Document, signed by all the authors, containing: (a) authorization for the editorial process of your text; (b) the guarantee that all the ethical procedures related to the scientific research have been attended; (c) the guarantee that all people listed as authors approved its forwarding, in order to publish it in the journal; (d) a disclosure of any conflicts of interest related to the reserch, its methods and techniques; (e) the concession of the copyrights of your text to the journal Psicologia e Saúde; and (f) complete address of one of the Authors, in order to communicate with the Editors (include zip code, phone number, fax and e-mail).





The first evaluation is made by the Editorial Board of the journal Psicologia e Saúde, verifying if the work has followed all the listed items in the Guidelines and Types of Contribution. If approved in this step, the manuscript will be forwarded to, at least, two consultants ad hoc (referees).

The Editorial Board chooses the consultants ad hoc (referees), although the authors can suggest possible consultants (qualified researchers affiliated to institutions, but not the one of the authors) on the forwarding letter.

If the text is rejected, the authors are encouraged to a new submission, after a careful review, considering the received comments. The manuscripts recommended for restricted publications will only be published through alterations according to the commenters’ suggestions. The suggestions aim to improve the clarity or precision of the text. A redesigned version of the text must be presented for appreciation with the modified parts highlighted (in blue). Besides, a letter to the Editorial Board, by electronic means, describing the attended alterations and justifying the ones that were not made is demanded for the authors. The final decision about the publication of an article submitted to the journal Psicologia e Saúde is from the Editorial Board (Editor-in-chief and Section Editors). 

The Editorial Board of the journal Psicologia e Saúde can make small modifications on the manuscript. When the Editorial Board consider that substantial modifications are necessary, the authors will be notified and in charge of making them, and returning the redesigned article on a set deadline.

All originals will be submitted to the process of opinion in pairs (specialists), preferably double blind (peer review double blind). The anonymity will be granted through all the process. The editorial team will solve the omission cases.

Ethics and consent

The publishing of a research containing human beings will only happen if there’s compliance with the Helsinki Declaration and the Resolution number 466, from December 12th, 2012, from the National Board of Health, referring to the ethics in research with human beings.

The journal’s editorial policy subscribes the Copyright principles and uses plagiarism detection tools.

Guidelines for the article’s organization

· Page layout: Size A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)

· Font: Times New Roman, size 12, through all the text, including references, footnotes, tables, etc.

· Borders: 2,5 cm in all sides (superior, inferior, left and right).

· Spacing: double space through all the manuscript, including the Cover Sheet, Abstract, Body of Text, References, Attachments, etc.

· Alignment: left

· First line of the paragraph retreat: tab= 1,25 cm.

· Page numbers: on the right corner, on the same level as the first line of each page.

· Internet addresses: All URL addresses (links to the Internet) on the text (e.g.: must be activated.

· The references of the articles must present only authors quoted on the text.

· The name of the author must be removed from “Document properties”, a menu option of MS Word’s “Archive”, as well as from any other part of the manuscript sent to the journal, except from the identified cover sheet (that must be submitted as Supplementary Document)

Examples for the organization of References

*When the reference has 1 to 7 authors - all authors must be quoted. Eight to more authors - quote the names of the first six ones, add three dots (. . .) and then the name of the last author.

Entity Author

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5a ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Banco Central do Brasil. (2003). Anuário de crédito rural. Recuperado de

Article with DOI

Porto, L. A., Carvalho, F. M., Oliveira, N. F. de, Silvany, A. M. S. Neto, Araújo, T. M. de, Reis, E. J. F. B. dos, & Delcor, N. S. (2006). Associação entre distúrbios psíquicos e aspectos psicossociais do trabalho de professores. Revista de Saúde Pública, 40(5), 818-826. doi:

Gurney, C., Roth, M., Garside, R. F., Kerr, T. A., & Schapira, K. (1972). Studies in the classification of affetive disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 121(561), 162-166. doi:

Article without DOI

Tavares, J. P., Beck, C. L. C., Magnano, T. S. B. de S., Greco, P. B. T., Prestes, F. C., & Silva, R. M. da. (2011). Produção científica sobre os distúrbios psíquicos menores a partir do Self Report Questionnarie. Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM, 1(1),113-123. Recuperado de

Thornicroft, G., & Maingay, S. (2002). The global response to mental illness: An enormous health burden is increasingly being recognised. BMJ – British Medical Journal, 325(7365), 608-609. Recuperado de

Dissertation or Thesis

Dissertation obtained through an institutional database:

Santos, M. E. S. B. (2002). Transtornos mentais comuns em pacientes com aids que fazem tratamento com anti-retrovirais no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (Dissertação de Mestrado). Recuperado de

Dissertation/Thesis found online:

Alves, L. B. (2010). Análise da sustentabilidade ambiental em estabelecimentos agrícolas em Goiás (Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, Brasil). Recuperado de

Obs: De 1 a 7 autores – todos são citados na referência; Oito ou mais autores – cite o nome dos 6 primeiros, insira os 3 pontos (. . .) e adicione o nome do último.

Para outros exemplos, consultar as normas técnicas da American Psychological Association: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020, 7ª edição).


Toffler, A. (1994). O choque do futuro (5a ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Record.

Goldberg, D., & Huxley, P. (1992). Common mental disorders: A bio-social model. London: Tavistock.

Freud, S. (1977). Histeria. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (J. Salomão, trad., Vol. 1, pp. 77-102). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Imago. (Trabalho original publicado em 1888).

Book chapter

Vianna, C. P. (2013). A feminização do magistério na educação básica e os desafios para a prática e a identidade coletiva docente. In: S. C. Yannoulas (Coord.), Trabalhadoras: Análise da feminização das profissões e ocupações (pp. 159-180). Brasília: Editorial Abaré.

Wastson, M. W. (1994). Vector autoregressions and cointegration. In Engle R. F., & McFadden D. L. (Ed.), Handbook of Econometrics (Vol. 4, Chap. 47, pp. 2843-2915). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

*For more examples, please consult the technical norms of the American Psychological Association: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020, 7th edition).

Dossiê: Psicanálise e Saúde

O número temático “Psicanálise e Saúde” tem o objetivo de reunir contribuições inéditas de investigadores cujos temas de pesquisa abarquem discussões sobre a Psicanálise em interface com a saúde, promovendo o incremento da área. Este número especial está aberto a estudos que contemplem diversos campos, tais como clínica psicanalítica na saúde pública e saúde coletiva, políticas públicas, atuação em serviços e instituições de saúde mental, saúde do trabalhador, prevenção e promoção da saúde na perspectiva psicanalítica, abordagens com perspectiva de gênero no entrecruzamento entre psicanálise e saúde, psicanálise nas abordagens de emergência ou urgência subjetiva nas práticas hospitalares e em outras instituições de saúde. Trabalhos interdisciplinares com outras disciplinas da saúde, como os relacionados à neurologia, à psiquiatria, à psico-oncologia, dentre outros. De igual modo, também se recebem artigos que abordem, pelo viés psicanalítico, questões sobre a atuação e a formação crítica na saúde e o ensino da psicanálise nos espaços de formação de saúde, como nos cursos de Psicologia.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

The Journal of Psychology and Health provides public access to all its content, following the principle that free access to research generates a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with a growing reading and citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, visit Public Knowledge Project and IBICT, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research by distributing OJS / SEER as well as other software supporting the publicly available publishing system to academic sources.