Relations Between Beliefs, Attitudes and Mental Health in Elderly People During the covid-19 Pandemic




elderly, depression, resilience, social isolation, coronavirus


Research problem: Elderly’s mental health is at risk during covid-19 pandemic. Sample’s characteristics: 384 elderly people who are Internet users. Instruments: questionnaire to access sociodemographic data and beliefs/attitudes about covid-19, PHQ-2 to evaluate depression, UCLA-BR short version to evaluate loneliness, Social Support Scale, and the Brief Resilience Scale. Procedure: participants answered an online survey in order to investigate frequencies and relations between mental health indicators and beliefs/attitudes about covid-19. Results: 15.1% showed positive screening for depression. Self-confidence for home isolation showed significant relations with lower frequency of leaving the house and better mental health. Worse mental health was associated to a stronger perception of covid-19 threat for health. Discussion: Self-confidence for home isolation and beliefs regarding covid-19 severity and vulnerability might be relevant psychological components to be target in interventions to ensure greater adherence to home isolation and better mental health.

Author Biography

Heloisa Gonçalves Ferreira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Doutora pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Professora no Departamento de Cognição e Desenvolvimento, Instituto de Psicologia na UFSCar.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, H. G. (2021). Relations Between Beliefs, Attitudes and Mental Health in Elderly People During the covid-19 Pandemic. Revista Psicologia E Saúde, 13(1), 187–201.



Dossiê: Covid-19