Psychopathy as Ideology: An Instrument for Maintaining the Capitalist Society
Psychopathic personality, Psychopathology, Mental healthAbstract
This study aims to explore theoretical questions about the socioeconomic functionality of the concept of psychopathy, analyzing researches executed after 1990. Although psychopathy is portrayed as a neutral concept, its theoretical-practical formulation is based on the legal exclusion of subjects belonging to the working class. With the psychopathy theme, the selection of scientific works from this period was carried out on the Bireme, BVS, Google Academic and SciELO platforms. Based on the categories of Historical-Dialectical Materialism and Historical-Cultural Psychology, this analysis was carried out from the identification of the Nuclei of Signification. It was found that psychopathy configures an instrument of control, normatization, and maintenance of capitalist society, as this concept provides an ideological explanation that individualizes several ills proposed by capitalist society, at the same time that it legitimizes the execution of its punitive criminal practice against those who do not conform to its excluding normativity, acting in accordance with its maintenance.
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