Gender Violence: Femininity, Body and Masochism from a Psychoanalytic Perspective
Psychoanalysis, Female Masochism, Gender Violence, Femininity, BodyAbstract
Reporting domestic violence and seeking medical help often generate fear and reprisals in women, since it is not uncommon for the victim to be blamed, with the effect of subjective silencing on the part of those who suffer. This study sought to carry out an analysis of the discourse within the concept of femininity from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day and its possible tensions with gender violence, from the perspective of psychoanalysis. This analysis was based on the reports of three women who, despite being victims, found themselves responsible for the violence they suffered. The research was carried out in a women's health care center in a city in the interior of Minas Gerais, using a semi-structured interview. As a result, three categories were listed for our analysis that involved three main issues: the social place of the feminine, the body, and masochism in its relations with the Other/other. It is concluded that it is intractable to think about a health practice with the victims without considering the aspects of unconscious fantasy involved in the web of violence.
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