Cross-cultural adaptation and content validation of the food thought suppression inventory
suppression, thoughts, food, cross-culturalAbstract
Introduction: the Food Thought Suppression Inventory (FTSI) is an instrument that measures the suppression of thoughts about food. Considering the lack of a Brazilian version of this document and potential contributions of its use in clinical practice, this research aimed to translate and adapt it into Brazilian Portuguese, performing content validation by the target audience of its adapted version. Methods: this is a methodological and cross-sectional study that involved translators, specialists, and the target audience. For data analysis, the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC) was used. Results and discussions: in the translation stage, there was equality in items 3 and 13, with few divergences in the other items, while in the evaluation of the Expert Committee, most items obtained an acceptable degree of agreement (CVCc > 0.80). Adjustments were made to items 4, 8, 10 and 14. In assessing the target audience, it was evident that the adapted instrument presents all acceptable items. The final CVC for each characteristic (clarity = 0.916, adequacy = 0.931, understanding = 0.930) and the CVC of the total inventory (0.926) were considered satisfactory. Conclusions: finally, an adapted version of the FTSI for Brazil was obtained, which proved to be valid from the content point of view.
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