Call for Papers: “Dialogues: History, Psychology, Health”


The Journal Psychology and Health is an electronic journal published every six monthsthat aims to disseminate and to promote scientific knowledge through the dialogue betweenPsychology and other disciplines of Health (e.g., Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Social Services,etc.), connecting their scientific debates. Its goal is to disseminate, for free, local and internationalcontributions from research and theoretical considerations for the development of Psychology as adiscipline and a professional practice of reference in the field of Health and Culture.The Journal Psychology and Health is published by the Graduate Program in Psychology atthe Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (PMPUCDB). It is currently indexed to the LATINDEX andPePSIC, and in the submission process to RedALyC.The special issue "Dialogue: History, Psychology, Health" is a PMPUCDB partnership withIberoamerican Network of Researchers in the History of Psychology (RIPeHP) and the BrazilianSociety for the History of Psychology (SBHP). This number is open to original contributions ofresearchers whose research address historical discussions about the connections betweenPsychology and Health. Thefore, manuscripts related to the history of various fields of Psychology,such as health psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health, hygienism, etc. areestimated. We also expect manuscripts stressing relations between Psychology and other areas -e.g., Medicine, Nursing, Social Work, Biology, Neuroscience, Special Education and related areas).Collaborations that highlight disciplinary, social, cultural, political or economical aspects inthe history of Pychology and psychological knowledge in the Health are expected. Contributionswill be accepted in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

Deadline: 30th June 2016

Theme: Dialogues: History, Psychology, Health