Perception of Public Hospital Professionals on Patient Safety Culture
organizational culture, patient, hospital environment, health professionalsAbstract
Patient safety is not a recent concern, as it is essentially linked to healthcare. In the current scenario, it is crucial to gather theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject, duly based on scientific evidence. Therefore, a descriptive, correlational, and analytical study was undertaken in order to analyze and understand the perception of professionals about the patient's safety culture. The sample totaled 378 participants from a public hospital of functional tertiary complexity, who answered the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC). The results revealed differences between the professional categories. Notably, psychologists showed greater divergence regarding the existence of punishments in situations of professional error or negligence. Professional capacitation and training actions are discussed to overcome restricted institutional measures. Systematic patient safety assessment protocols based on the work of the multiprofessional team, including managers and organizational leaders, are recommended. Longitudinal multicenter studies are suggested.
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