Influence of Family Relations on the Health and Emotional State of Adolescents
family relationships, mental health, teenagersAbstract
Adolescent health might be influenced by different factors, including family relationships. In this study, the objective was to verify which dimensions of family relationships might predict well-being during adolescence. The participants of the study were 203 adolescents, between 12 and 18 years, of public schools in Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia. The instruments used were: Beck Inventory of Depression; Goldberg General Health Questionnaire; Self-Assessment Inventory for Young People; Familiogram; and Family Climate Inventory. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, group comparison, and multiple regression analysis were used. The results showed a greater influence of conflict dimensions and low affectivity as variables that contribute to the presence of depressive symptoms, low general health scores, and higher scores of behavioral problems. It is concluded that, for the adolescents' well-being, the family should be included in health assessment and intervention strategies.
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