Subjective Well-Being, Quality of Life and Psychological Symptoms in Adults after Stroke




subjective well-being, quality of life, stroke, rehabilitation


We investigated the perception of subjective well-being (BES), quality of life (QV), and psychological symptoms of individuals who were or were not in rehabilitation post-stroke. Fifteen adults participated (M = 40.73; SD = 9.46 years), who responded to the Brazilian Subjective Well-Being Scale (EBES), Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (EQVE-AVE), and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. From the survey, we found that the sample had low and moderate levels of BES and QV. Participants who remained in rehabilitation after stroke demonstrated higher levels of positive affect, lower negative affect, and symptoms of stress. Higher psychological symptoms were related to lower levels of BES and QV. This study highlights the importance of post-stroke rehabilitation, focusing on the needs of each individual. Multiprofessional care services should consider how emotional aspects and subjective experiences affect patients' recovery.

Author Biographies

Luana Thums, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Psicóloga pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), São Leopoldo, RS.

Jaqueline de Carvalho Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Doutora em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora do Departamento de Psicologia do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica (PUC-Rio).


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How to Cite

Thums, L., & Rodrigues, J. de C. . (2023). Subjective Well-Being, Quality of Life and Psychological Symptoms in Adults after Stroke. Revista Psicologia E Saúde, 14(4), 85–98.


