Longitudinal study of elderly health from a psychosocial and physical perspective
Health of the elderly, psychosocial, aged peopleAbstract
Introduction: Healthy aging is currently understood as the maintenance of physical and cognitive abilities in old age, being the aim of important studies in the field of gerontology. Aim: To analyze psychosocial and physical aspects as health promoters in the elderly. Method: Quantitative, exploratory and longitudinal study, with a one-year follow-up, in 25 elderly people with an average age of 68.64 years (SD = ± 4.40), submitted to cognitive interventions and evaluated in psychological measures (with measures anxiety, depression, quality of life, family functionality and personal development) and physical (with measures of body composition and cardiorespiratory capacity). Results: The data were evaluated by analysis of variance and correlation test, and a linear regression model was proposed. The effectiveness of physical and cognitive interventions on physical and psychological measures stands out (p ≤ 0.05); that cognitive interventions did not show significant differences between them, at different times (p ≤ 0.05); and that the linear regression model is formed by psychological and physical variables (R2 = 0.75). Conclusion: Studies related to the health of the elderly, from the perspective of psychosocial and physical changes, are an important field of investigation in light of a biopsychosocial understanding of health.
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