Occupational Stress, Musculoskeletal Pain and Resilience in Prison Staff Work
occupational stress, musculoskeletal pain, psychological resilience, prisons, Worker’s HealthAbstract
Introduction: in prison workers, the risks of occupational stress and pain are evidenced and an attempt is made to understand how they face the adversities of the work environment and how resilience protects the health of workers. Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical research with 33 penitentiary workers. We used a labor and clinical questionnaire, Scale of: Work Stress, Numerical Visual Scale of Pain and Resilience. Results: 67% presented a moderate level of stress. Servers who consider their work stressful presented moderate level of stress (p = 0.040). Participants presented a moderate level of resilience. Stress was not associated with resilience; however, it was correlated with pain intensity. Discussions: there was an association between stress and the intensity of musculoskeletal pain, without correlation with the resilience and profile of the workers. Conclusions: the presence of occupational stress and musculoskeletal pain, regardless of resilience, are important indicators of the health conditions of these professionals.
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