An Early PDP Connectionist Model for Describing the Behavioral Phenomenon




Neuroscience, behavioral sciences, behavior, connectionism, artificial neural networks


The focus of modern neuroscience on cognitive processes has relegated to behavior the epiphenomenal status of neural processing and the difficulties generated by this interpretation have encouraged the use of computational models. However, the implementation based on inferred cognitive constructs has been inefficient. The objective of this work was to review the concept of behavior by a selectionist approach and propose a connectionist computational model that operates integrally with its neurophysiological bases. The behavioral phenomenon was functionally defined and described at different levels of analysis. Functional levels make it possible to understand why behavioral phenomena exist, while topographic levels describe how morphophysiological mechanisms implement the response. The connectionist notions of PDP ANNs formalizes the proposal. The model stands out for contextualizing neural processing as part of the response, addressing the behavioral phenomenon as a whole that needs to be explained in its most different levels of analysis.

Author Biography

Ricardo Tiosso Panassiol, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco

– Doctoral student in Neurosciences and Behavior and master in Experimental Psychology, both at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo (USP). Graduated in Psychology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Currently, he researches the computational processes of the thalamo-cortical circuits involved in the pattern completion of afferent and efferent information through the artificial neural network modeling of deep learning. Works as a clinical behavioral psychologist and develops studies in the areas of Behavior Analysis, Neuroscience, Neuroengineering and Brain-Machine Interface


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How to Cite

Panassiol, R. T. (2019). An Early PDP Connectionist Model for Describing the Behavioral Phenomenon. Revista Psicologia E Saúde, 11(2), 171–184.



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